12 Mysterious Disappearances That Still Have Historians Puzzled


The entire crew of the Mary Celeste disappeared, having abandoned cargo and provisions

The story of the vessel Mary Celeste has been the basis of several literary and cinematic works. The sail ship was discovered in 1872 without a single person on board, drifting freely 400 miles off the Azores. The ship was afloat, with her cargo virtually undamaged in the hold and almost all of the crew’s personal belongings still in the cabins. At first, the crew of the ship that found the Mary Celeste were suspected of having committed a crime.

Later, the crew’s disappearance was blamed either on pirates or sea monsters. However, modern researchers assume that the brigantine was caught in a storm and took on water after some of the onboard instruments broke down. So when the experienced captain saw land, he ordered everyone to abandon ship in a hurry. The fate of the crew remains unknown.

The mystery of the “lost cyclist” has been unsolved for over 100 years

In the 1870s, bicycles were mainly popular amongst wealthy young people. The less-than-comfortable design with a huge front wheel and a small rear wheel looked dangerous to the ordinary public. That all changed a decade later, when the old models were replaced by new ones, with identically sized wheels. At that time, an accountant from Pittsburgh, Frank Lenz, simply fell in love with cycling.

He first took a few trips around the United States, and then decided to take a cycling trip around the world. In those years, Lenz was considered a hero and the public followed his adventures intently. However, at one stage of his journey, Frank disappeared without a trace. Many people tried looking for him, including other cyclists, but they were never able to find Lenz.

Scientists still haven’t figured out what happened to the inhabitants of the Roanoke colony

In 1587, a group of 115 English settlers arrived on Roanoke Island, off the coast of North Carolina, to establish a colony. Soon the governor of the new settlement, John White, decided to go to the Old World for supplies. He left his wife, daughter and new-born granddaughter in the colony.

Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances detained White in Europe, and he only returned three years later. To his amazement, there was no trace of the settlement or its inhabitants on the island. Nor were there any clues as to where the people might have disappeared to, other than the inscription “CROATOAN” (the name of the neighboring island) carved on a pole. Over the centuries, scientists have been unable to discover what fate befell the colonists from Roanoke.

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