12 Mysterious Disappearances That Still Have Historians Puzzled


James Tedford vanished into thin air while travelling by bus

James Tedford, a resident of Bennington, was visiting his relatives in St. Albans. When his family accompanied him to the bus station, they had no idea that this was the last time they would see him. According to eyewitnesses, Tedford boarded the bus and was still on board at the stop before it arrived in Bennington.

James disappeared on the last leg of the journey, with his belongings left in the luggage compartment and a timetable on his seat. How and where Tedford might have gone remains a mystery. In addition to him, four other people vanished in the town between 1945 and 1950, giving the area the name of “Bennington Triangle.”

A famous cardiologist went missing after being rejected by author Janet Frame

John Cyprian Phipps Williams worked as a cardiologist in New Zealand and became famous for the discovery of Williams-Beuren syndrome, which was named after him. In 1967, Williams met author Janet Frame in London and a warm relationship developed between them. At some point, John decided to propose to her. Janet was dumbfounded, as she had not expected such a development, and fled the city.

When she returned to London, Williams was no longer there and no one knew where he had gone. Friends and acquaintances later saw him in various European cities, but the police were never able to trace the cardiologist. Williams was reported missing in 1988. However, author Michael King reported that John contacted him in 2000. It’s still unknown whether the cardiologist is alive, or where he may be.

Johann Salvator of Austria may have decided to get lost in South America

Johann Salvator was a descendant of one of the branches of the Habsburg dynasty, but at some point gave up all his titles and privileges. In 1889, he married the artist Milli Stubel and decided to travel with her to South America. He purchased the ship Santa Margareta, and the couple used it to cross the Atlantic.

The ship was last seen near Cape Tres Puntas, after which it disappeared without a trace. The official version of the story is that the Santa Margareta suffered a shipwreck near Cape Horn. But some believe that Johann Salvator wasn’t swept away, but simply changed his name and decided to start a new life in South America.

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