12 Pleasant Effects of a Digital Detox That Make It Worth the Struggle


Your sleep will improve.

A 2018 British Study proved that using social media leads to decreased, disrupted, and delayed sleep. It’s especially important not to use phones in the evening. And according to recent studied, this is exactly what most people do — check their social media in bed.

When we check our feed, the blue light, emitted by our phones, signals our brain that it’s daylight. As a result, the production of melatonin slows down, and we have problems falling asleep. Fortunately, if you change this habit, you can sleep deeper and better, which is absolutely necessary to your health.

You will save more money.

Stop using social media is good for family budget. According to statistics, almost half of millennials said that social media had an impact on their expenses on impressions. People didn’t only buy things because of something they saw on social media, but also spent more money on restaurants and vacations

Your concentration problems will disappear.

Not using social media also means you will have way fewer push notifications on your phone. Along with that, you will be able to focus better. At least, according to one scientific study. Scientists found that push notifications make people do their tasks worse and have a negative effect on cognitive functions and concentration.

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