12 Pleasant Effects of a Digital Detox That Make It Worth the Struggle


Your posture will improve.

Just think about the unnatural position your body is when you’re looking through your feed. Slouched back and stretched neck can lead to chronic joint pain, reflux, digestive problems, and bad blood circulation.

Using your social media less will improve your posture. Of course, don’t forget about the basic rules of using a cell phone and follow them if a phone is your main working tool. Experts recommend holding at the eye level, let your elbows rest regularly, and use voice dictation instead of manual typing of texts.

Your productivity will increase.

Social media are constantly distracting you from important tasks. When you take a break to check your Instagram or send a text, you go into the multitasking mode.

Despite popular stereotypes, multitaskers do things way slower. According to recent studies, multitasking reduces your productivity for 40{5e7c65e441e52f4bf1acfd584b456199c30fd15874601cbb78ed6380992e3048}. Just think about how much energy you can save if you stop using social media and do one thing at a time.

Your anxiety will decrease.

Social media is a dopamine machine, just like tasty foods. All of them activate the reward center in your brain, making you come back for more and more. Unfortunately, social media doesn’t only cause addiction, but also anxiety, depression, and even physical distress.

At the very beginning of your digital detox, the stress level can grow. The brain gets used to a certain amount of dopamine, and reacts to the detox with a withdrawal syndrome. But several days later, you will feel better and realize your mental state has improved.v

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