14 Things You Should Never Buy Used, Even if They’re Really Cheap


Electric scooters

Even though electric scooters tend to be quite expensive, don’t buy them used. It’s hard to know how many owners a scooter had. And if the previous owners weren’t very careful, some parts may need to be replaced. Besides, after a certain time, scooters need new batteries, which will cost you.

Baby monitors

Don’t buy such devices if they had been used by a different family. It may be hard to change the settings or get rid of the previous profile, so a used baby monitor may be hacked from a different account, and the video may be accessible to third parties.

Waterproof clothes

Over time, the chemicals that create a waterproof layer on the fabric disappear. So, when you buy a raincoat or a ski jacket, put some water on the surface to check whether the protective layer is still there. There are companies that restore waterproof properties, but their services are not cheap. So, buying a new piece of clothing may be the right solution.

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