12 Lies Almost All of Us Have Encountered at Least Once in Our Lives


“Using house appliances as little as possible increases their lifespan.”

Some house appliances require constant use, otherwise they will quickly break down. For example, dishwashers are equipped with special seals designed to function in high humidity conditions. If the unit is not used for a few weeks, these parts begin to dry out, crack, and deteriorate. In addition, washing dishes in a specially designed appliance allows us to save more water than handwashing.

“Coffee leads to dehydration.”

Caffeine has a mild diuretic effect. However, if the amount of this substance in the drink is not too high, the effect of consuming coffee or energy drinks will go almost unnoticed. An adult can drink about 300 mg of coffee daily without no harm to health. In addition, our body gets used to a certain dose of caffeine within 1-4 days. After this, regular amounts of the product do not lead to dehydration, and in people who regularly consume such drinks, coffee can actually restore the balance of fluids in the body.

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

Technically, breakfast is the first meal of the day, but neither the time nor the food matters. Some scientists think we overestimate the role of breakfast. If a person doesn’t feel hungry in the morning, they can skip this meal and just have lunch when the stomach starts sending signals. All that really matters is that you get enough nutrients during the day.

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