12 Lies Almost All of Us Have Encountered at Least Once in Our Lives


“The ability to nap anywhere at any time means a person has no trouble with sleep.”

Many people sincerely envy those lucky ones who can instantly fall asleep anywhere, even in the most inappropriate place. In fact, daytime sleepiness is a worrisome symptom that sometimes indicates sleep disorders, insomnia, and lack of sleep. Ideally, we should strive to establish a regular sleep schedule and devote a sufficient number of hours to sleep at night.

“Using Incognito Mode for searching can help you find cheap airline tickets.”

Many companies use cookies on the internet to track consumer queries and habits and adjust their prices based on these factors. However, there is no evidence that airlines also use this trick.

According to some experts, the average cost of an economy-class ticket can change 61 times in a day. But these fluctuations are usually caused by the rise and fall in demand for certain routes. So, using incognito mode when ordering tickets is pointless.

“People communicate less in real life due to social media.”

A study conducted at the University of Kansas showed that using social media does not affect how much time we spend on direct communication with friends and family. Scientists were unable to detect any signs of personal relationships being replaced by online contacts. In their opinion, the interest in social media has simply replaced old ways of spending time, such as reading newspapers and watching TV.

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